
Bravely Default 2 | All Jobs and Classes list - bowersagning

The like any expectant JRPG, Courageously Default 2 includes a number of different jobs to outfit your characters with. From standard Black Mages to all-newborn classes care Beast Master and Pictomancer, thither's a proper assort to suit some combat inevitably. Keep reading to learn more all but all job form in Bravely Default 2 and what it takes to unlock them.

How to Unlock All Jobs and Classes in Bravely Default option 2

Bravely Default 2 job class list and unlocks - Freelancer

There are over 20 different job classes to opt from in Courageously Default 2. Some of them are alone new, patc most return from previous games in the serial. Either way, every of the jobs put up a way to customize your party and increase your conflict capabilities.

Of course, not entirely Job classes will be available from the pop out. The many advanced jobs, same Red Mage, Dragoon, and Arcanist potty lonesome be unfastened by reaching certain chapters in the main fib. Past there's Bravebearer, the final job class, that can only be unsecured after whackin the game.

Here's a look at all job class in Bravely Default 2, including their unlock requirements and a general overview of their skills. The Job list is sorted by how soon the classes can be unbarred; more advanced jobs can be found toward the bottom of the list.


Freelancer is the al-Qa'ida problem course of instruction in Bravely Default option 2, and information technology's unsecured by default. As the name implies, the Freelancer doesn't carry any unrivaled specific distinctiveness. Instead, it uses the Miscellany program line, which allows accession to a variety of alkalic abilities.

Blackness Mage

The Black Mage sort out unlocks a short-term shipway into chapter one, after beating the first stamp Selena. A staple fibre job among JRPGs (and the venerated Final Phantasy series), Pitch-black Mages cast off unpleasant spells to inflict condition effects surgery address damage to single or multiple targets.

White Mage

Unlocked at the same fourth dimension as Black Mage, the Segregated Mage is the standard healing class. Abilities such as Cure, Protect, Shell, and Raise make the White Mage one of the single nigh important classes at early stages of the game.


The Vanguard class is unlocked at the same time as both Light and Black Mage. However, the Vanguard does not center on magic. Instead, its Heroics control allows access to abilities that deal physical damage and apply debuffs to enemies.


Monks are the narrow-fisted brawling class in Bravely Default 2. This job is unlocked after defeating Horton, and its Martial Arts commands include a blend of physical attacks, buffs/debuffs, and elemental attacks.


The Bard class is unlocked after beating Orpheus, the game's first Asterisk boss. American Samoa expected, this is none job for a character who of necessity to deal equipment casualty. Instead, the Bard is fit to apply buffs and debuffs to enemies and allies alike through the Singing command.

Beast Headmaster

The Creature Master Job class unlocks after beating Anihal, the second Asterisk boss in the showtime chapter. This is an entirely new job that focuses happening animal abilities direct the Taming program line. Basically, Taming allows you to weaken and then Capture an enemy monster, which can then be set let loose connected other enemies.

Bravely Default 2 job class list and unlocks - Thief


Otherwise better-known as the scallywag, the Thief class in Bravely Default 2 is unlocked by defeating Claude Bernard. This is a class designed for stealth, speed, and of course, stealing: The Thievery command allows you to pilfer items from enemies.


The Berserk class is unlocked by defeating Prince Castor at the end of chapter one. Hard-hitting but slow, Berserkers have approach to the Savagery command. Its abilities mainly let in dealing high physical damage, as asymptomatic arsenic the classic Berserk ability Volcano Fury, which greatly buffs damage output but only allows the aggress command to be used.


Unlocking the Gambler job involves completing the Taking a Gamble position bay near the conclusion of chapter ane. To get it, you'll need to play a card spunky at the Savalon Gaming Hall. Once equipped, it allows access to the Gaming command, with abilities that dish out damage based along luck, accidental, or money.

Marxist Mage

The Red Mage family is a solid alternative for players who can't decide between Print magic. Unfastened by defeating Roddy in chapter two, the Red Mage can access some healing spells and damaging basic spells.


Unlocked by defeating Lily in chapter two, the Ranger class excels at exploiting enemy weaknesses. Each job ability is able to target a specific class of enemies, from bugs and plants to beasts and demons.


The Shieldmaster class in Bravely Default 2 fills the niche usually occupied by knights. This job is unlocked subsequently beating Gallahad in Wiswald Towboa during chapter ii. It opens access to the Shieldcraft command, with abilities to imbibe aggro from enemies, blind targets, defend allies, and provide buffs to the party.


Pictomancer is another new division in Bravely Default 2, unlatched by beating Psychological disorder near the end of chapter two. The Pictomancer is a painter that can use the Artistry statement to debuff targets. This is unquestionably a subscribe class, since none of the Prowess abilities deal damage away themselves.

Bravely Default 2 job class list and unlocks - Vanguard


A longtime favorite of JRPG fans, the Railroad class can be unlocked aside drubbing the Asterisk party boss at the rootage of chapter trey. Dragoons are powerful warriors who make use of lances and the Jump ability, which removes them from fight temporarily.


Both Spiritmaster and Swordmaster subcontract classes are unlocked later lacing two Asterisk bosses during chapter three. As you may guess, the Spiritmaster is a surmoun of spirit, reflected in each of the class' healing spells and buffs. This is basically an upgrade to the White Mage class, gradually offer access to powerful Light weather magic.


Unlocked concurrently as Spiritmaster, the Swordmaster job allows players to role the Stance command. Stances adjust the character's battle abilities, offering increased damage, automatic counter-attacks, and drawing opposition aggressiveness away from allies.


The Prophesier business fills the duties typically surrendered to Prison term Mages in other JRPGs. Unlocked by trouncing the final boss in chapter three, the Oracle can speed up allies, slow down or turn back enemies, and use protective spells such as Ward and Reflect.


The Salve-Manufacturing business is another Bravely Default 2 job class unlocked through a side quest. In this suit, you need to complete the Enderno slope quest in chapter three. Kindred to the classic Chemist role, the Salve-Lord can buffet allies or debuff enemies by mixture together items.


The Arcanist class is unlatched at the beginning of chapter four, unvaried as Bastion and Phantom. It uses the Necromancy command, which opens up access to Dark magic abilities to absorb HP or MP. The Arcanist can also buff magic legal injury and gain mana regeneration, making it a sound match with other mage classes.


Unlocked simultaneously as Arcanist and Phantom, the Bastion class is au fond a tankful. It uses the Guardianship program line, with abilities not to a fault farthest removed from those used by the Shieldmaster — drafting aggro, protecting allies, and boosting some physical and magical defense force.


Unlocked aboard Bastion and Arcanist, the Phantom is effectively an upgraded version of the Stealer course of study. However, the Phantom puts a greater emphasis on flying physical attacks, with abilities that can allow for a second action to be performed in a single turn.


The Hellblade is one of the strongest job classes in Bravely Default 2. It's unlocked by lacing the ultimate boss at the end of chapter 4, meaning you won't be earning it very apace. However, the Hellblade has access to the Diabolism command with loads of high-endangerment, high-advantage abilities. The catch is that about abilities come at the sacrifice of HP, significant the reference must be near death to maximise their offensive potential.


Finally we get in at Bravebearer, the concentrated most powerful job class in the game. Unlocking this job requires reaching the second ending, then reloading your preserve and determination your way hind to the tomb in chapter six (no spoilers here). There you'll have the chance to take place in an elective battle. Win, and you'll get access to the Bravebearer and its Bravery command, which offers the most multipotent abilities in the crippled. The catch, if you consider information technology one, is that Bravery skills draw from other wrong statistics: Current HP, how many battles you've won, flush how tenacious you've played the spunky. In another words, making the most unconscious of Bravebearer involves a plenty of play. However, if you place in the meter, you'll be rewarded with downright outrageous ability.


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